Sustainable mining development
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SUDMINE GABON SARL is the subsidiary of SUDMINE under Gabonese law in charge of SUDMINE's operations since July 2016. The studies that it wishes to carry out on the "North Abamié" and "East Lébamba" areas could eventually lead to the development of an ethical mining industry in Gabon with traceability of the minerals extracted, the preponderance of the environment over the ore, respect and integration of the populations and optimisation of the public utility of its projects in Gabon.

Application for Recognition Authorisation
"Nord Abamié"

The "Nord Abamié" Recognition Authorisation Application for Ta, Nb, AU, Sn, W, Mo and REE was filed in September 2018 for a surface area of 370 km². The area consists of an Archean core, reworked during the Eburnean orogeny, surrounded by metamorphic crystallophyllian rocks. It is of multiple interest:

- It has a strong potential for alluvio-eluvial coltan mineralisation and rare and strategic metals (Li, Mo, REE, W, Mn...),
- It has access to the Transgabonais at the limit of the perimeter of the prospecting permit application, making it much easier to set up prospecting missions, but also to envisage easy export of the ore if an operation is set up.

Application for Prospecting Authorisation
"Est Lébamba"

The Application for Prospecting Permit "East Lebamaba" for Ag, Al, Cu, Cr, diamond, Li, Mo, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Sb, Ta, REE, Ti, W and Zn was filed in October 2018 and a relaunch was made in March 2019, for an area of 3,009 km². The "Est Lébamba" sector is located in the Chaillu Massif. It is an immense granitic batholite on the periphery of which are several Precambrian sedimentary series.
It has a strong potential for alluvio-eluvial and kimberlitic diamond mineralisation. Diamonds are exploited in an artisanal way in the placers of the Makongonio region. The perimeter of the "East Lébamba" prospecting permit application was determined to include both diamond zones (Makongonio village showings) and rare and strategic metal showings (Sn, W, Mo, REE, Au, Mn...).

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